Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hit The Road Jack

A couple of weeks ago I saw Joel Osteen ministering about talking to the negative things in our lives that need to go whether it be a medical report, a relationship, finances or any personal struggles.  I've been giving that lots of thought and would like to share that with you.

Firstly, for me the Law of Attraction, God and the Universe are all one big bundle.  I see the Law of Attraction in the scriptures and I see myself as an awesome child of God.  All I have to do is ask God with earnest and I will receive.  He is my universe.

So I decided to have a little chat with the things in my life which I consider negative.  I began by making a list with the heading ...

My God is bigger than you ever thought about being.

I don't need you.  I don't want you.  Now go.  I take away all your power over me because my God is an awesome God who blankets me in his love and protection.  I am His awesome child deserving favor.

Then I made a list ...

Diabetes ...  Go straight to hell and stay there.
Extra Pounds ... Get out and don't let the door hit you in the behind.
Doubt ...  You know you're not welcome.  Stay away.
Procrastination ...  No waiting.  Your ticket's already been punched.
Indecision ...  It's been decided.  Leave.
Worry ...   No place for you here.  Go.
Sadness ...  Your lease is up.  Joy is moving in.

Then to keep it light and to allow good energy flow for attraction, I've given this list a soundtrack.  Whenever I sense this negativity trying to roll back in, I sing this song.  Negativity will get the hint eventually.  God, my universe, is awesome.

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